First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea. It's an opportunity to share the first paragraphs of a book I am currently reading or planning to read sometime soon.
This week I'm featuring the opening paragraphs of Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight, a book I recently borrowed from the library which I have selected as my next read.
Read on after the intro for my Tuesday Teaser.
From HarperCollins Publishers
Publication date: 4/2/2013
Because there are 176 definitions for the word loser on urbandictionary.com.
Don't Be a Statistic
Hey bitches!
Ah, the beginning of another school year. And I'm back with all the shit that's not fit to print . . .
So while you've all been whiling away the summer in Southampton, or on Nantucket or in the South of France, perfecting your tennis game or your pas de deux, or training for your first marathon, or basking in your latest chess championship, I've spent the summer keeping track of the back and forth of our dear faculty members. Mr. Zaritski went out to UC Berkeley to teach at a science camp for crazy-smart kids. Word has it the parents had him fired week two because he SMELLED. Mrs. Pearl took a Latin lover and learned to pole dance in Miami. Kidding. She didn't actually have a lover, of course. Who would ever want to sleep with her?
Ah, and sweet delicious Mr. Woodhouse. Who wouldn't have wanted to see him in a Speedo somewhere? Alas, his whereabouts lo these sultry months is unknown, though I have it on good authority that he spent at least one long weekend snuggled up with our beloved English prof Liv. To which I say, bravo."
What do you think? Would you continue reading? The opening page (partially quoted above) is a blog post, which is quickly followed by several text and Facebook messages. Regular chapters come next, introducing readers to attorney and single mom Kate and her teenage daughter Amelia, the main characters in this debut legal thriller. There is a lot of buzz about this book, and it looks like a page-turner.
Teaser Tuesdays, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading,
is a weekly event where bloggers open to a random page and share a
teaser from somewhere on that page--no spoilers allowed.
Here's my teaser from Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight:
""Listen, Amelia, I know we don't know each other very well, and there's a reason for that. I looked through your file before you got down here, and it's basically flawless--outstanding grades, two varsity letters, head of the French club, four honors classes. You've never even been marked late. And now this? Why?'"
~ p. 100
Enjoy life with books . . .
Follow me on Twitter: @bookclubreader
First Chapter ~ First Paragraph #13 and Tuesday Teaser was originally published by
Catherine for bookclublibrarian.com. This post cannot be
republished without attribution.
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