First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea. It's an opportunity to share the first paragraphs of a book I am currently reading or planning to read sometime soon.
This week I'm featuring the opening paragraphs from While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax. It's on my summer reading challenge list, and I am hoping to start it soon.
Read on after the intro for my Tuesday Teaser.
While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax
Chapter One
As a child Samantha Jackson Davis loved fairy tales as much as the next girl. She just hadn't expected to end up in one.
Every morning when her eyes fluttered open and every night before she closed them to go to sleep, Samantha marveled at her good fortune. In a Disney version of the airline passenger held up in security just long enough to miss the plane that goes down, or the driver who runs back for a forgotten cell phone and barely avoids a deadly ten-car pileup, Samantha averted disaster in the once-upon-a-time way: she married the prince.
Over the past twenty-five years Samantha had sometimes wished she'd spent a little more time and energy considering alternatives. But when your world comes crashing down around you at the age of twenty-one, deep thinking and soul-searching are rarely your first response.
What do you think? Would you continue reading?
Teaser Tuesdays, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading,
is a weekly event where bloggers open to a random page and share a
teaser from somewhere on that page--no spoilers allowed.
Here's my teaser from While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax:
"'Samantha smiled noncommittally. She was glad to see Parker taking the initiative and relieved that Brooke Mackenzie seemed at least a little less ready to throw herself under a bus. It was amazing what a good-looking man with a devastatingly sincere smile and a gorgeous accent could accomplish.'"
Follow me on Twitter: @bookclubreader
First Chapter ~ First Paragraph #20 and Tuesday Teaser was originally published by
Catherine for bookclublibrarian.com. This post cannot be
republished without attribution.
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