It's Friday . . . time to share excerpts from one of my current reads with:
- Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, where bloggers share the first sentence or more of a current read, as well as initial thoughts about the sentence(s), impressions of the book, or anything else that the opening inspires.
- The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice, where you grab a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% of an ebook), find one or more interesting sentences (no spoilers), and post them.
Mayhem at the Orient Express by Kylie Logan
Beginning: If it weren't for Jerry Garcia peeing on my pansies, I never would have joined the League of Literary Ladies.
No, not that Jerry Garcia! Jerry Garcia, Chandra Morrisey's cat. In fact, it was that peeing incident, and the one before it, and the one before that . . .
I love new cozy mystery series, and I came upon this one by accident when I was searching online this week for a different book that has the phrase "orient express" in its title . . . no, not that Orient Express, although Agatha Christie's book is an element of the plot. I couldn't resist running out to get this one, and as I began perusing the opening paragraphs, I got the feeling that I am in for a rollicking read.
Page 56: "'Not something you'd expect here on the island.' I didn't realize I'd spoken out loud until I heard my own voice. It was so small, it was nearly lost beneath the sounds of the crackling flames and the howling wind outside."
Overview from barnesandnoble.com: At a local Chinese restaurant, it's the owner who gets taken out...
Most folks aren’t forced by court
order to attend a library-book discussion group, but that’s just what
happens to B and B proprietor and ex-Manhattanite Bea Cartwright, hippy
cat lover Chandra Morrisey, and winery owner Kate Wilder after a
small-town magistrate has had enough of their squabbling. South Bass, an
island on Lake Erie, is home to an idyllic summer resort, but these
three ladies keep disturbing the peace.
The initial book choice is Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express,
and that sets their mouths to watering. The Orient Express is the
island’s newest Chinese restaurant. They might not agree about much, but
the ladies all love the orange chicken on the menu. But their meal is
spoiled when the restaurant’s owner, Peter Chan, has the bad fortune of
getting murdered. Now, with Christie as their inspiration, the League of
Literary Ladies has a real mystery to solve
if they can somehow catch a
killer without killing each other first.
Enjoy life with books...
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Friday Focus: The Friday 56 & Book Beginnings #10 was originally published by Catherine for bookclublibrarian.com. This post cannot be republished without attribution.
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