Today I'm featuring the opening paragraph from Roses by Leila Meacham, which I borrowed from the library.
Chapter One
At his desk, Amos Hines turned over the last sheet of the two-page legal document he'd been instructed to read. His mouth had gone dry as wheat chaff, and for a moment he could only blink in dazed disbelief at his client and longtime friend seated before his desk, a woman he had admired--revered--for forty years and had thought he knew. He searched her expression for indications that age had finally affected her faculties, but she stared back with all the clear-eyed acuity for which she was renowned. Working saliva into his mouth, he asked, "Is this codicil for real, Mary?" You've sold the farms and changed your will?"
What do you think? Would you continue reading?
This book came very highly recommended by a voracious reader who is a member of two of my book clubs. When she told me it was one of her all-time favorite books--and this woman reads a lot--I knew I wanted to read it too. I think the beginning is promising.
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