It's Friday . . . time to share excerpts from a current or upcoming read with:
- Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, where bloggers share the first sentence or more of a current read, as well as initial thoughts about the sentence(s), impressions of the book, or anything else that the opening inspires.
- The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice, where you grab a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% of an ebook), find one or more interesting sentences (no spoilers), and post them.
Today I'm featuring a book I borrowed from a friend. So many people are reading The Girl on the Train, the psychological thriller by Paula Hawkins. It's a real page-turner.

Beginning: She's buried beneath a silver birch tree, down towards the old train tracks, her grave marked with a cairn. Not more than a little pile of stones, really. I didn't want to draw attention to her resting place, but I couldn't leave her without remembrance.
Page 56: "But even if he could tell someone, I don't think he would. I trust him, I really do."
Page 56: "But even if he could tell someone, I don't think he would. I trust him, I really do."
My thoughts: I have been wanting to read this book since I first heard about it. There are few books that I feel so compelled to get my hands on. The library hold list is so long, that when I found out that a friend had bought her own copy, I convinced her to lend it to me before she has the chance to read it herself. That's what I call a good friend.
Which book are you reading now or about to start?
Friday Focus: The Friday 56 & Book Beginnings #67 was originally published by
Catherine for bookclublibrarian.com. This post cannot be
republished without attribution.
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