It's Friday . . . time to share book excerpts with:
- Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, where bloggers share the first sentence or more of a current read, as well as initial thoughts about the sentence(s), impressions of the book, or anything else that the opening inspires.
- The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice, where you grab a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% of an ebook), find one or more interesting sentences (no spoilers), and post them.
Today I'm featuring Just What kind of Mother Are You? by Paula Daly, borrowed from the library.

Beginning: He arrives with time to spare. Reverse-parking, he gets out and the cold hits him. Slapping him hard in the face and stinging his skin. He smells good. Expensive.
He's parked a few hundred yards from the school at the viewing point. On a clear day there's an uninterrupted vista across the lake, over to the mountains beyond. In better weather there'd be an ice cream van, Japanese tourists taking photographs. Not today, though. Not with the clouds so low in the sky, and not with the autumn darkness fast approaching.
Page 56: "I felt like a total idiot as they turned around, their broad smiles not matching the alarmed look in their eyes as they regarded first me, and then Joe."
Page 56: "I felt like a total idiot as they turned around, their broad smiles not matching the alarmed look in their eyes as they regarded first me, and then Joe."
My thoughts: When young girls start disappearing in England's Lake District, the town's residents are understandably on edge. As several of them come under closer scrutiny, it is apparent that there are many secrets being kept and that there is darkness beneath placid exteriors. It's a race against time to find and stop the abductor in this debut page-turning thriller.
In Paula Daly’s heart-stopping debut novel, motherhood, marriage, and friendship are tested when a string of abductions tear through a small-town community. Gripping and fast-paced, Just What Kind of Mother Are You? introduces an outstanding new thriller writer with a terrifying imagination for the horrors that lurk in everyday lives.
Which book are you reading now or about to start?
Friday Focus: The Friday 56 & Book Beginnings #98 was originally published by
Catherine for bookclublibrarian.com. This post cannot be
republished without attribution. Retweeting and sharing on Google+ are encouraged and appreciated.
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