Tuesday, February 5, 2019

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph

It's Tuesday . . . time for . . . 


First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, now hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather Be At The Beach, where bloggers post the first paragraph(s) of a book they are currently reading or planning to read sometime soon.   

Today I'm featuring The Novel Art of Murder by V.M. Burns.  This book is the third installment in the Mystery Bookshop series.  I read this book for a blog tour, and the excerpt shared is from the eBook version that I received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  You can learn more about the book, read my review, and enter a contest for a chance to win a copy of the book by clicking here.

The Novel Art of Murder (Mystery Bookshop, #3) 
Chapter 1

"What the blazes do you mean I didn't get the part?"  Nana Jo's face turned beet red and she leapt up from her chair.

I had never been so happy for a slow morning crowd at the bookstore as I was at that minute.  My grandmother was about to blow a gasket and, while it might prove entertaining, I preferred keeping the drama contained to family and friends.

What do you think?  Would you continue reading?
This book--and the series so far--is an enjoyable read, with lovable characters, generous doses of humor, and a bookstore proprietor who is an aspiring author in her own right.  Rounding out the ensemble is a pair of toy poodles, Snickers and Oreo, as pictured on the cover.

To find out more, click this link.

This First Chapter ~ First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled and published by Catherine for the blog, bookclublibrarian.com.  It cannot be republished without attribution. Sharing this original post on Twitter and/or other blogs with appropriate recognition is appreciated.


  1. I'm sorry, it just didn't grab me. I think I'd need to read more. Cute cover.

  2. Hmm, I'm curious, haven't read a cozy in a while.

  3. I like a good cozy, but I'd have to read a little more to be sure.

  4. I the way this series has basically two storylines going on - the one in the present and the one that is from the protagonist's book-in-progress. Yes, I'd continue.

  5. I'm intrigued, and the cover is too cute!! Mine is here: https://francebooktours.com/2019/02/05/first-chapter-first-paragraph-the-first-noel-at-the-villa-des-violettes/

  6. That teaser pulled me right into the story...and I love the cover, too. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. I can see why this is so appealing that's for sure - and Snickers and Oreo are gorgeous!

  8. Same here, I love the doggy cover, and the whole 'book' theme!

    Here's my Tuesday post!

  9. You can't go wrong with a cozy mystery. Thanks for visiting Girl Who Reads.
