Tuesday, July 2, 2019

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph

It's Tuesday . . . time for . . . 

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, now hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather Be At The Beach, where bloggers post the first paragraph(s) of a book they are currently reading or planning to read sometime soon. 

Today I'm featuring an upcoming read, This is What Happened by Mick Herron.  The excerpt shared is from a hardcover version I received from the publisher.


Part one.

The longer she sat there, the colder she became.  With her back to the cistern, and her feet drawn up beneath her, Maggie perched on the closed lid of the toilet, and concentrated on being as still as possible.  An hour earlier, a spasm in her leg had caused the overhead lights to switch on. Their electric hum had startled her more than the glare.  Someone would hear it, she thought, and come investigate. But nobody arrived, and the spasm subsided, and a few minutes later the lights turned themselves off again.

"How long do I have to hide in the toilets?" she had asked Harvey.

"Until twelve.  At least."

What do you think?  Would you continue reading?
As if the title wasn't enough to do so, the opening lines certainly piqued my curiosity. Who is Maggie?  Why is she hiding in the toilets?  I'll have to read on to find out.  

This First Chapter ~ First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled and published by Catherine for the blog, bookclublibrarian.com.  It cannot be republished without attribution. Sharing this original post on Twitter with appropriate recognition is appreciated.


  1. Very unusual intro, I'm curious though. The cover also makes me curious.

    Here's my pick: https://bibliophilebythesea.blogspot.com/2019/07/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday.html

  2. So many questions raised here... I want to read more!
