Monday, May 10, 2021

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph


It's Tuesday . . . time for . . . 

. . . First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros . . . now hosted by Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews, where bloggers share excerpts from a book they have read, are currently reading, or are planning to read.

Today I'm featuring a new thriller, Until We Are Lost by Leslie Archer. The excerpt shared is from a trade paperback edition borrowed from the library.

First Chapter:  New York City--Present Day

"It started the night Hickory was shot to death. Hickory, my dog." Tara looks forlornly at Dr. Christie Lind. "Like a, I don't know, a premonition of doom."


What do you think?  Would you continue reading? 

The last four words of the opening excerpt--a premonition of doom--are enough to keep me reading on.


This First Chapter~First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled by Catherine for the Book Club Librarian blog. © 2021, Book Club Librarian All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Book Club Librarian without attribution, know that this post is being used without permission.


  1. I am intrigued. Thanks for sharing and I love the sound of the excerpts and the language in the snippets.

  2. I have to be honest, I hate when any author feels the need to kill or harm animals to move his story along. I'd have to skip this one even though I'm curious:(

  3. I feel the same way that Diane does. I hate when animals are hurt or killed in any way.

  4. Not sure I could get past the dog being killed but I am curious. I like the voice of the narrator!
