It's Tuesday . . . time for . . .
. . . First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros . . . hosted by Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews, where bloggers share excerpts from a book they have read, are currently reading, or are planning to read.
Today I'm featuring a recent blog tour read, Murder in Postscript by Mary Winters, the debut book in the A Lady of Letters cozy mystery
series. The excerpt shared is from an advance eBook copy provided by the
publisher in exchange for an honest review.

First Chapter: London, England, 1860
Amelia Amesbury hated to admit it, but she was bored. Mind-numbingly bored. She supposed this was what contentment felt like: a beautiful young charge, bless her heart, playing the pianoforte; a governess, prim and proper, turning pages; and three tiers of cakes to choose from in a tastefully papered drawing room. But if she were so content, why was she itching for the afternoon's post?
What do you think? Would you continue reading?
The opening paragraph sets the coziest of scenes, as does the gorgeous book cover. I really enjoyed this engaging cozy mystery, which is set in Victorian London. It has the right balance of mystery, romance, and upstairs/downstairs characters.
This First Chapter~First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled by Catherine for the Book Club Librarian blog.
This sounds really good. I like that opening paragraph. It really sets the mood. I have to look for this one.